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Retail report: Customers want good service, loyalty rewardsViews: 501
Aug 25, 2006 10:02 pmRetail report: Customers want good service, loyalty rewards#

Tribal Route



Retail report: Customers want good service, loyalty rewards 


AUGUST 25, 2006 - Denver -- A new Retail Trends report just released by G.A. Wright Marketing says retailers in all industries can remain competitive by focusing on "value-added" strategies, such as loyalty programs that reward customers.


"Price is decreasing steadily as the most important decision influencer for retail-related purchases," said Gary Wright, CEO and Founder of G.A. Wright Marketing in a press release announcing the report.


"Consumers want experiences, not just purchase transactions. They want memorable events that make them feel appreciated and create a positive emotional experience while getting something of value."


In Retail Trends 2006, Wright suggests creating loyalty programs that reward customers for repeat business and referrals and that they create emotionally relevant marketing messages, and interesting experiences that make it exciting for customers to do business.


"Customer service remains of major importance to shoppers. It is critical in order to set your brand apart and above the competition, but customer service alone is not enough," said Wright. "Retailers need to interact with customers one-on-one, make them feel like their only customer, and add value through innovative experiences that keep them loyal beyond price discounts they might find somewhere else."

The report covers sporting good stores, jewelry, gift and collectibles, book, pet supply, hardware, furniture and apparel.


For more information, visit www.gawright.com





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Private Reply to Tribal Route

Aug 30, 2006 1:33 pmre: Retail report: Customers want good service, loyalty rewards#

Charulata Bansal
This is all very good. Unfortunately, most retail businesses in India work on a short term vision. To get those initial footfalls large disounts are given with not much thought going into service and the shopping experience.

Even stores which run loyalty programs do it half-heartedly. I dont know how many actually run segmented schemes and get into micro-marketing.

Private Reply to Charulata Bansal

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